Whistleblower Attorneys in Philadelphia:
Fighting for You

Whistleblowers provide an invaluable service by exposing corruption, government fraud, or illegal activities in various settings. If your employer is engaged in misconduct in Philadelphia, PA, you need the services of an experienced whistleblower lawyer. At Win Big, our whistleblower lawyers can effectively represent you in a whistleblower lawyer.

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How Win Big Law Defends Whistleblowers

At Win Big Law, we focus on providing expert legal representation to whistleblowers in Philadelphia, PA. In addition to providing formal legal advice for potential whistleblower claims, our law firm experienced team is dedicated to protecting the rights of whistleblowers in Philadelphia and ensuring they receive the justice they deserve. With our extensive courtroom experience and deep understanding of state and federal whistleblower laws such as the Pennsylvania whistleblower law and the Federal False Claims Act, we have a proven track record of success in whistleblower cases.

What Is A Whistleblower?

Under Pennsylvania law, a whistleblower is an employee who witnesses or obtains evidence of misconduct and makes a good-faith effort to report it to their employer or appropriate government agencies. A whistleblower who is an employer may face significant risks when coming forward, including retaliation from their employer. While there are legal protections in place to safeguard whistleblowers, it is advisable to speak with an experienced whistleblower lawyer before taking action.

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Legal Protections for Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers in Philadelphia are protected by a range of local and federal laws. Specifically, these laws shield a whistleblower from retaliation and provide remedies for any harm they may suffer from their employer. Due to the complex nature of these laws, representation by a Philadelphia lawyer is essential.

Philadelphia False Claims Act

The Philadelphia False Claims Act is a local law. If an employee learns of misconduct by their employer, they can notify the City Solicitor. If the Philadelphia City Solicitor declines to take legal action, the employee can file a qui tam lawsuit on behalf of the government and themselves against their employer (note – qui tam is a Latin phrase which means “on behalf of the king and themselves”).

Pennsylvania Whistleblower Law

Pennsylvania also has its own whistleblower protection law, which safeguards employees who report or provide evidence of misconduct. The Pennsylvania whistleblower statute protects an employee who works for a public body and makes a good-faith report to the appropriate authority. Under Pennsylvania law, a public body includes a state or local government agency, any private organization which receives government funding, i.e., a government contractor, or an entity which receives Medicare reimbursement.

Federal Whistleblower Laws

In addition to state and local laws, several federal laws are designed to protect whistleblowers in various industries. Specifically, whistleblowers are protected by:

  • The Sarbanes Oxley Act – Congress passed this law following a series of corporate and accounting scandals. While the Sarbanes Oxley Act does not allow a qui tam claim to be pursued, it does provide a government award if a whistleblower reports corporate misconduct to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • The Dodd-Frank Act – This act was passed following the 2008 financial crisis and is designed to protect whistleblowers who report financial misconduct. It allows qui tam lawsuits to be filed for violations of the Securities and Exchange Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the Commodity Exchange Act.
  • The Federal False Claims Act – This law was passed during the Civil War due to defense contractor fraud involving substandard equipment being sold to the Union Army. It allows qui tam lawsuits for a series of violations, including knowingly presenting false claims for payment.
  • The Whistleblower Protection Act – This law was passed in 1989. It provides protections for federal government employees who report misconduct or government fraud.

At Win Big, our qui tam lawyers have successfully helped government employees and private citizens get the financial compensation they serve in numerous whistleblower cases.

Available Damages in Philadelphia Whistleblower Lawsuits

The personal, professional, and financial risk of filing a whistleblower report in Philadelphia can be high. Sadly, some employers elect to retaliate instead of doing the right thing. When whistleblowers file qui tam lawsuits, they may be entitled to various types of damages depending on the circumstances of their case.

Financial Compensation

Whistleblowers may be eligible to receive financial compensation for any damages they have suffered due to their whistleblowing activities. This compensation can include reimbursement for legal fees and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the qui tam litigation process. A whistleblower lawyer can work with you to maximize your financial compensation.

Emotional Distress

Filing a whistleblower complaint can be a highly stressful experience. Many whistleblowers experience emotional distress before and after they report the misconduct. Under Pennsylvania law, individuals can seek financial compensation for the emotional distress they suffer.

Lost Wages or Future Earnings

Filing a whistleblower complaint in Philadelphia can seriously damage a person’s career. They may be fired and experience difficulty finding new employment. If a whistleblower has experienced a loss of income due to retaliation or other adverse actions, they may be able to recover lost wages or seek compensation in a qui tam case for future earnings impacted by the wrongdoing they reported.

Job Reinstatement

In cases where whistleblowers have been wrongfully terminated or faced other adverse employment actions, they may seek job reinstatement. Reinstatement may include being given their prior position or placed in the position they would have received had they not been terminated. If you are a former employee seeking reinstatement, consult the Philadelphia whistleblower lawyers at Win Big.

Punitive Damages

In certain circumstances, whistleblowers may be awarded punitive damages. Unlike other damages, punitive damages are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter others from engaging in similar misconduct. To obtain punitive damages, a whistleblower must prove their employer maliciously engaged in outrageous conduct by clear and convincing evidence.

Contact Win Big Law Today For A Free Consultation

If you are a former or current employee in Philadelphia, PA, and you believe you have information or evidence concerning wrongdoing which needs to be exposed, do not hesitate to reach out to Win Big Law. Our dedicated legal team of whistleblower attorneys is ready to listen to your story, evaluate your case, and provide you with the guidance and support you need to take the next steps for your whistleblower lawsuit. 

Contact us today for a free consultation.