Tinicum Workers' Compensation Lawyers:

Fighting for You

If you were injured in a workplace accident in Bucks County, our team of dedicated workers’ compensation lawyers will fight to ensure you receive the care and benefits you need. The personal injury lawyers at the Win Big law are well-versed in navigating the complexities of Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation law. Our workers’ compensation attorneys will not hesitate to fight your employer’s insurance company to protect your rights.

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Helping Injured Workers With Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law

At the Win Big Law office, our personal injury lawyers focus on assisting injured workers and their families. We aim to maximize your workers’ compensation benefits and protect your rights throughout the claims process. Our workers’ compensation law firm understands the challenges you face after a workplace injury, and we are dedicated to providing the guidance and representation you need during this difficult time.

Experienced Workers' Comp Lawyers Serving Tinicum Township, PA

Our Philadelphia-area workers’ compensation lawyers have years of combined experience and have the knowledge and expertise to handle your workers’ compensation case effectively. 3,710 workers’ compensation claims originated from Bucks County in 2021. Our personal injury law firm has a deep understanding of the local legal landscape along with major employers in Bucks County, such as Giant Food Stores, Doylestown Hospital, and Home Depot.

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215-398-6719 or Submit an Email

Why Choose Us as Your Tinicum Workers' Compensation Attorney?

When choosing a workers’ compensation lawyer, we believe we stand out from other personal injury law firms in Tincum Township. Our lawyers developed and sharpened their litigation skills by working as criminal prosecutors and insurance company defense lawyers. Our workers’ compensation attorneys now fight for our injured clients’ best interest. 

Don't Just Win, Win Big

Our Tincum Township law firm is committed to maximizing your compensation and securing a favorable outcome for your case. Many personal injury law offices claim to litigate medical malpractice or criminal defense but, in reality, only seek quick settlements. The workers’ compensation lawyers at Win Big fight vigorously to ensure you receive the benefits you need to recover from your work injury.

Understanding Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Laws

To successfully navigate the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation process, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of the relevant laws. Employers and insurance companies will do everything possible to make the workers’ compensation process as difficult as possible. A skilled workers’ compensation lawyer can advise you on the relevant laws and fight your employer’s insurance company to get you the financial and medical benefits you need.

Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act was passed in 1915. Before the passage of this law, injured workers had minimal chances of receiving financial compensation for their injuries due to a variety of strict legal defenses. Accordingly, the Workers’ Compensation Act was passed to address this issue.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Employers in Pennsylvania are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to provide coverage for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. Workers’ compensation insurance is no-fault, which means an injured worker is not required to prove their injury resulted from another person’s negligence. Further, workers’ compensation insurance is designed to provide medical and wage loss benefits.

Who is Eligible for Workers' Compensation?

In Pennsylvania, employees, including seasonal and part-time workers, are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Independent contractors and volunteers are not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. A person can make a workers’ compensation claim if they suffer an injury while in the scope and course of their employment.

The Four Types of Workers' Compensation Benefits

Before the passage of the Workers’ Compensation Act, injured workers were forced to rely on family, charity, and public benefits for economic and medical support. Workers’ compensation insurance provides various benefits for victims and their families. The work injury lawyers at Win Big can help you get the benefits you need.

Medical Bills

If you were injured at work, workers’ compensation is required to cover all necessary medical expenses related to your injury, including doctor’s visits, hospitalization, and rehabilitation. You can only obtain medical treatment from an employer-approved medical provider for the first 90 days following an accident. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you navigate the process of getting medical treatment for your injury. 

Lost Wages

Workers’ compensation provides wage loss benefits if your work-related injury prevents you from working. Temporary partial disability benefits will replace 2/3rds of your lost wages if you can return to your job but earn less money due to your injury. If the injury leaves you totally incapacitated and unable to work, temporary total disability benefits will pay 2/3rds of your lost wages.

Permanent Disability Wages

Workers’ compensation provides financial compensation in cases where accidents cause permanent disabilities. In addition to monetary compensation, long-term medical benefits are also available. The financial value of a permanency award is determined based on the extent of a victim’s injury and the area of the injured body.

Death Benefits

If a loved one has tragically lost their life due to a work-related incident, workers’ compensation provides death benefits. Specifically, qualified family members can obtain benefits for burial expenses, funeral expenses, and lost wages. At Win Big, our attorneys understand the emotional toll of such a loss and will handle your case with compassion and diligence to help you receive the support you need during this difficult time.

Common Work-Related Injuries that Workers' Compensation May Cover

Workers’ compensation covers various work-related mental health conditions and occupational illnesses. Depending on the facts of a person’s case and job, their disease may be presumed to be work-related. These illnesses notwithstanding, many workers’ compensation claims arise from physical injuries.

Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents can occur in various work environments and result in serious injuries requiring medical attention. In 2021, 20,059 workers’ compensation claims were filed due to falls. You should consult a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney if you were injured in a slip and fall accident.

Strain and Sprains

Overexertion or repetitive motions can lead to strains and sprains, affecting your ability to work. These are common injuries, as illustrated by the fact that Pennsylvania recorded 57,244 workers’ compensation claims in 2021 involving strains and sprains. The Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers at Win Big can help you get the medical treatment and lost wage benefits you need if you suffer a disabling strain at your job.

Equipment Malfunction Injury

6,593 workers’ compensation claims were filed in 2021 due to employees being caught in machinery. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you were injured due to an equipment malfunction while performing your job duties. The injury lawyers at Win Big can assist you in navigating the complexities of your case and pursuing the compensation you deserve.

Repetitive Use Injury

Repetitive motions and tasks can result in injuries over time, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. 2021 saw 41,976 workers’ compensation claims filed in Pennsylvania due to repetitive use injuries. If your job requires repetitive movements and you develop an injury, workers’ compensation will cover your medical expenses and provide you with financial compensation.

Prolonged Occupational Exposure to Chemicals

In 2021, 4,565 injured workers filed claims in Pennsylvania due to exposure to radiation or other caustic injuries. Workers who have been exposed to harmful chemicals or toxins over a long period of time may suffer from serious health conditions. If your illness can be linked to occupational exposure, workers’ compensation benefits may be available to cover your medical treatments and support you financially.

How to Begin Filing a Workers' Compensation Claim

Filing a workers’ compensation claim can seem overwhelming. Sadly, your employer and their insurance company may take steps to make the process more difficult and confusing. The injury lawyers at Win Big are here to guide you through the process.

What To Do After A Workplace Injury

The time following a workplace accident can be confusing and stressful. However, it is essential to take certain steps to protect your rights and ensure a smooth workers’ compensation claim process. By following these steps, you can improve the strength of your workers’ compensation claim.

Report Your Personal Injury

It is crucial to report your personal injury to your employer immediately. Pennsylvania law requires injured workers to report their injuries within 120 days. If you fail to meet this deadline, your workers’ compensation claim is barred.

Seek Medical Attention

Your health and welfare are of utmost importance. After a workplace injury, it is essential to seek prompt medical attention. By doing so, you prioritize your recovery and create a documented record of your injuries, which can support your workers’ compensation claim.

Know Your Workers' Rights

Employers sometimes tell injured workers to use sick leave or health insurance following a workplace accident to avoid the expense of a workers’ compensation claim. Our injury lawyers will provide you with comprehensive knowledge of your rights, including the right to medical treatment, wage replacement, and disability benefits. We will advocate for your rights throughout the entire claims process and fight for the compensation you are entitled to receive.

What to do if Your Workers' Compensation Claim Was Denied

If your workers’ compensation claim was denied, it can be disheartening. However, you still have options. Our injury lawyers can represent you in contesting a denied claim or appealing a denied claim.

Reasons for Denial of Workers' Compensation Benefits

There are various reasons why workers’ compensation claims may be denied. Common defenses asserted by employers and insurance companies include:

  • The claimant is not injured.
  • The injury is not a result of the claimant’s employment.
  • The claimant suffered the injury while outside the scope of their employment.
  • The claimant suffered the injury due to a hostile attack.
  • The claimant violated a positive order.
  • The claimant sustained the injury while committing a felony.
  • The claimant suffered the injury while engaging in wilful misconduct.
  • The claimant sustained the injury as a result of being intoxicated.

Our lawyers will thoroughly review the reasons for the denial and develop a strategy to address these issues effectively.

How To Appeal Workers’ Compensation Claim Denials

If your claim has been denied, you can appeal the decision to the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board. The Board has various powers, including affirming the denial or remanding a claim. If the Board affirms the denial, a claim can be appealed through the Pennsylvania court system, including the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Speak to Marisa or Frank to Discuss Your Case Today

Insurance companies move quickly to investigate accidents and prepare potential defenses. If you have been involved in an accident, we encourage you to speak with one of our experienced attorneys as soon as possible. Marisa and Frank are ready to listen to your story and provide you with the guidance and representation you need to win your case.

Understanding When Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Benefits End

While workers’ compensation benefits aim to provide ongoing support, there are circumstances where they may end. Benefits for workers who are rated as temporarily disabled can last for up to 104 weeks before an employer is permitted to request an Impairment Rating Evaluation. Workers rated as permanently partially disabled can collect benefits for 500 weeks.

Termination of Workers' Comp Benefits

Workers’ compensation benefits cannot be arbitrarily terminated. For your workers’ compensation benefits to be terminated, your employer must file a petition for a hearing. At this hearing, they can ask for your benefits to be terminated due to the following:

Modification of Workers' Comp Benefits

Unlike termination, a modification means your employer seeks to reduce your workers’ compensation benefits. Your employer may move to modify your benefits if there is medical evidence showing you can return to work. Additionally, your employer can seek a modification if they have medical evidence showing you no longer need medical treatment.

Warning Signs of Modification or Termination

It is important to be aware of signs which indicate your employer intends to modify or terminate your benefits. Common warning signs include surveillance and request for medical records. Additionally, your employer may be seeking a modification if they request for you to undergo a medical examination.

Suspension of Workers' Compensation Benefits

Your benefits could be suspended if your employer has evidence you intentionally failed to attend a medical examination. Further, your employer can seek to suspend your benefits if they can prove you ignored medical advice. Finally, your employer can move to suspend your benefits if you decline an alternative job which pays the same amount of money.

Reinstatement of Work Injury Benefits

If your workers’ compensation benefits have been terminated or suspended, our lawyers can help you seek reinstatement. If your workers’ compensation benefits were terminated, you have three years to file a petition for reinstatement and must prove your disability recurred or increased. If your benefits were suspended, you have 10 years to seek reinstatement and must prove the reason for the suspension is no longer valid.

Let Win Big Law Fight For Your Workers’ Comp Rights

At Win Big Law, we believe every worker has the right to fair compensation after a work-related injury. Let us fight for your rights and get you the benefits you deserve. Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure you get the best possible outcome for your case.

Are You Ready To Win Big?

It is time to take control of your workers’ compensation claim and secure the compensation you deserve. Our team of dedicated lawyers is ready to fight for your rights and help you win big. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.